Biodegradable Products
Biodegradable products are fully biodegradable and made from high-quality plastic raw materials using advanced technologies in India. They decompose within 8 to 12 months when exposed to sunlight and oxygen, providing a solution for the littering issue caused by non-recycled plastic packaging. These bags naturally break down without catalysts.
They comply with international standards ASTM D6954 and ASTM D5208 for degradation and have been tested by CIPET Chennai and other international labs. Available in sizes from 8 to 26 inches in width, these products can also be customized for specific size and printing needs.
Production Process
Biodegradable Products are made from Fossil based Petrochemicals like Poly Ethylene and Poly Propylene. Proprietary Pro-degradants are added during manufacturing process which helps in breaking of Carbon Hydrogen bonds once the products are discarded and gets exposed to Oxygen and Sunlight.
In case of Biodegradable Packaging Products, time required for degradation can be controlled
If Biodegradable Packaging Products are not collected and allowed to get in environment as litter, it will degrade in specified time leaving no harmful residues.
Biodegradable Packaging Products pass all standard tests of eco-toxicity. This is safe for long term contact with food
Biodegradable Packaging Products don’t contain heavy metals or harmful chemicals like Organo-Chlorine or PCB. This doesn’t emit harmful gases like methane even when deep under landfill
Biodegradable Packaging Products can be recycled like normal plastics.
Biodegradable Packaging Products can be produced on machines used for manufacturing of normal plastic products
There are no short duration test to confirm if the packaging is Biodegradable or normal plastic and hence there is a possibility of spurious products being manufactured.
If heavy metals are used instead of genuine pro-degradants then there is a possibility of micro plastic pollution.
Test Standards